Is there a way I can download my videos from Streamio?
You can at any time download individual transcodings for any given video in your Video Library, including the uploaded original video file. This means that the original video is available in Streamio as well as the video in different solutions, for example, 360p, 480p, and 720p.
To download the original file for a specific video:
Login to your Streamio account
Select the video you want to download in the Library
On the video page, there is a button in the lower right corner – “Advanced“
Pressing the Advanced button will open a tab where the original file is found. Click the icon for downloading to download the original video. (For Internet Explorer you might have to right-click and select “Save as..”).
Under Advanced the original video is always available.
To download transcoded video files:
Login to your Streamio account
Select the video you want to download in the Library
On the video page, there is a button to the right – “Transcodings“
Pressing the Transcoding button will open a tab where the different transcoded versions are found. Click the icon for downloading to download any of the transcoded videos. (For Internet Explorer you might have to right-click and select “Save as..”).
In the “Advanced” section, you will see the transcodings that have been created for a particular video.
To download a specific transcoding or the original file, just right-click on the URL for the selected stream and select “Save target as…“. In the alert choose where to store the downloaded file on you computer.
Allow external users to download the original video files
Sometimes a video needs to be shared for downloading by external users. A common example is when co-workers need videos to put into PowerPoint
Login to your Streamio account
Select the video you want to download in the Library
On the video page, there is a section towards the end “Publish settings”
Click the “Allow public downloads” check-box and copy the “Public download link”. Be sure to hit the “Update video”-button to save the setting. The copied link can now be distributed for download.