When you create your own Video Player, there are several more features you can control besides the most obvious ones.
By clicking on the “Advanced“-button in the lower right hand corner, you get access to a whole new set of settings:
View for Advanced Player Setting in Streamio
In the “ADVANCED” section, you can change activate/inactivate the following features:
By activating this feature, your video player will automatically start playing your video as soon as the web page is loaded.
By activating this feature, your video player will replay your video over and over again.
Activate RTMP Streaming
When activated, your videos will be sent using the RTMP protocol (a k a streaming) instead of the standard HTTP protocol (a k a progressive playback). For an optimal vieweing experience, we only recommend you activate this feature for videos longer than 8-10 minutes.
If you want your video player to send Event Tracking data to your Google Analytics account, you must first enter your Web ID in this field.
Please note that you must first activate your Google Analytics integration under “ACCOUNT SETTINGS” and “ADD-ONs”.
Please note that any changes you make in the Video Player configuration will result in a modification in the associated EMBED-code. For this reason, if you make any changes in your player after it has been published, you must replace the old EMBED-code with the new EMBED.code – or the changes will not take effect.