Streamio integration with Pexip

Direct recording, storage and GDPR-secure management of meetings

Features of Streamio's Pexip integration

Streamio + Pexip

Record Pexip meetings

With Streamio’s Pexip plugin, the meeting host can start recording meetings directly in Pexip. After the recording is finished, the meeting host receives a link to the video with the option to download it. It is also easy to publish the video directly from Streamio as a link or on a website afterward. With Streamio, you get the market’s most cost-effective platform for video, and now Pexip meetings can also be a source of content in Streamio.

Pexip recording free for Streamio users

Our Enterprise and Pro plans include Streamio Pexip integration at no extra cost. The data traffic generated by streamed meetings is deducted from the pot included in Streamio. The same goes for the storage space if you save your meetings.

If you don’t have a Streamio subscription, Streamio has the market’s most affordable package, and that includes all the other functionality that an organization needs to manage live streaming and video along with a generous allocation of traffic and storage. Most organizations can save between 25-75% by using Streamio for online video.

All our prices can be found here.

Privacy and GDPR

Streamio strongly emphasizes privacy and GDPR compliance. We minimize the collection and storage of any personal information we can control. Streamio can be used exclusively by European or Swedish subcontractors, and we own and manage all servers.

For our Pexip integration, we have added another level where all content is automatically deleted after 180 days from Streamio. However, you can choose a different range if you want a faster or longer lifespan for the content. When a recording is ready, the meeting host gets the opportunity to download the content, and the person who has an account on Streamio can also choose to move a recording to another account that is not automatically deleted if, for example, it is a webinar that is going to live for a long time.

Upcoming Feature: Live Stream Pexip Meetings

In an upcoming version of Streamio’s Pexip plugin, we will add functionality to live stream recorded meetings. Then, you can also get links to meet on a website or a Streamio channel or send out a live stream link to external users if they do not participate in the meeting. Perfect for big meetings or webinars when you want to publish a meeting in multiple channels – or when you just want to take advantage of Pexip’s simple features to create webinars with multiple participants and screen sharing.

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