GDPR-compliant Streaming & Video

People in front of American Flag


The U.S. Law,   Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act, better known as CLOUD Act, is in strict violation to GDPR.

EDPS, The European Data Protection Supervisorbelieves that the CLOUD Act is in conflict with   GDPR. This is because the CLOUD Act gives US authorities the right to request data from US companies, even if the servers where the data is stored are physically located outside America's borders.

The CLOUD Act applies to all US companies, even if they operate in Europe and store data in Europe. CLOUD Act affects the likes of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, even if you are using their services through their European servers. The law has been criticized by the EFF, Amnesty and Human Rights Watch - but supported by Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Apple.

The easiest way to be completely safe is to use suppliers within the EU, without ownership of US suppliers. However, keep in mind that it is just as important to also keep track of sub contractors that are handling subtitles, CDN, movie encoding and backup storage services!

GDPR-safe streaming and video

GDPR-tailored video platform

Streamio is one of the best tailored solutions for video, audio, and live streaming. We work actively together with our customers for the efficient and correct management of   the General Data Protection Regulation. If you want to read the full regulation, you can find it here, but below we summarize why Streamio is a safe choice for video and streaming:

  • You control publishing to 100%
  • We have a Standard Swedish Agreement for Personal Data (TechSverige/IT and Telecom Companies)
  • You retain full rights and ownership of all your content
  • We have few subcontractors and all have personal data processing agreements
  • Swedish contracting party, which owns the operating platform - no cloud services
  • Streamio can be used completely without foreign subcontractors

Schrems II GDPR Video OVP

Schrems II

The Schrems II ruling made things a little more troublesome. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has published   has published recommendations on the extensive work needed to secure transfers to third countries.

Or you can make it easy for yourself and use a Swedish video service!

Swedish flag

A solution without sub-processors in third countries

With Streamio, you can buy a unique platform that completely eliminates the risks of, for example, US cloud providers.

We are a Swedish-owned company that owns its own server facilities in Stockholm and Uppsala. We do not use foreign cloud providers. We are a real internet operator that controls traffic and its logging itself.

If you wish, the service can be delivered completely without any foreign subcontractors!

global connections

Video Distribution CDN

When a viewer watches your movies, they are usually distributed through one or more Content Distribution Network (CDN). It is important to note that the CDN operator can access traffic data for the distribution, which usually includes logging personal data, including IP numbers.

For our customers who operate mainly in Sweden and the Nordic region, we have a Swedish CDN, which is GDPR-safe, where the sub-processor is Swedish and located only a stone's throw from our office at Uppsala Castle.

Streamio by Rackfish - Based in Sweden

Based in Sweden

Streamio is a service developed and operated by Rackfish AB, the Swedish hosting and streaming company. Streamio is delivered from Swedish servers under the industry's Standard Swedish agreement. Processing of personal data is by default held in Sweden and our storage takes place in Stockholm and Uppsala. We are simply the most Swedish suppliers.

It won't get any more Swedish than that! 🙂

Nurse in the public sector

Streamio for the public sector

Streamio is a perfect fit for the public sector and can proudly count a large number of public institutions, municipalities, regions and authorities as its customers. Why public sector actors choose Streamio:

GDPR-säker streaming och video i EU

GDPR around Europe

The General Data Protection Regulation is implemented under a lot of different names around Europe. Here are links to our pages about Streamio in different languages: