One of the many pleasures of serving a very wide variety of customers with a service like ours is the unexpected ways in which some of our customers use our service.
Recently, we’ve learned that it is becoming increasingly popular among professional content producers to upload and store high-quality video content on Streamio – and then encode it later.
When uploading content to your Streamio account, you can skip the Encoding process and simply upload your video file “as is”.
In fact, you can upload as many high-quality video files as you want this way – if you run out of storage space, simply upgrade your account.
Thanks to our smart Account Administration features, some of our customers create multiple accounts for their respective clients (or departments) and use them as indivdual, cost-effective online repositories for high-quality video files.
The original files in your account can then be downloaded at any time by anyone who has been granted access to your account – just click on “Advanced Settings” for a given video and you’ll find the URL to download the file.
Under “Advanced Settings”, you can also send a stored file to our Encoding Engines at any time and have them encode your video into one or several individual streams (transcodings) at a bitrate of your choice – SD 360p, HQ 480p, HD 720p or HD 1080p. Naturally, each transcoding you create with Streamio can also be downloaded individually, if needed.
For advanced users, there’s also a possibility to create your own custom encoding settings, with complete control of all essential audio and video encoding parameters, and let Streamio encode your videos into transcodings that meet your own specific needs. Just go to your “Account Settings” and click on “Encoding Preferences” to create your own custom settings.
For more information, please visit our Support Center.
How do you use Streamio? Do you use our platform/features in some unique or innovative way? Please let us know by sending us an email at support@streamio.com. We would love to share your story as an inspiration or guidance to others.
Your Resident Geeks @ Streamio.