Manage video

Here’s a good overview that covers most things related to video management in Streamio.  

In your library, you will find everything created in your account: Videos, images, playlists, players, audio, subtitles, podcasts and channels. This article will focus on how to manage video – the most commonly used part of Streamio.

Further down, you’ll find short introductions to other parts.


In the tab “Videos” all videos that have been uploaded to your account will be found. All management of the videos after the upload is done here!

Video library

By choosing Videos, you will be presented with an overview of the movies in the account – further down on the page; you can select how many will be shown simultaneously. Note that showing many videos simultaneously makes Streamio slower than only a few videos, especially on slow connections!

In the top section, you’ll find a drop-down where you can choose different ways of sorting the content: By Most Recent, Oldest, Alphabetical, Most Viewed, Largest, Smallest, or by the user that uploaded the video. These are pretty self-explanatory but quite useful as the account fills up with lots of videos!

To the right of the sorting, you can filter by tag.  If you tag all uploaded videos, you can use this function in several ways; this is one. Examples of video categories used: “Ad”, “Corporate presentation”, “Shareholders meeting”, ” City Council meeting”, and so on. You could quickly get a list of just the movies needed (you can also use tags to populate the playlist automatically!)

In the actual list of videos, you’ll see a thumbnail picture from the video. Title and description of the video. The length of the video (superimposed on the thumbnail) and size (total usage on disk for all created versions). You can also see the tags the film has been given (as blue buttons that you could click to quickly show all videos in that category). Finally, you can see the creator and date as well as the historical number of views for the video!

Bulk Edit

In the right corner of every video in the Library overview, there is a grey checkbox. When clicked, the box will be greyed, and the video is chosen. This could be used to delete several videos quickly or to copy videos to another account.  The most common usage is when a company or organization has one internal account with security to limit viewers to the organization and one Streamio account for public videos for the web page, social media, and mail.

Edit video – just click one of the videos


When a video is selected in the library, the actual video page is opened. We will focus on the upper half of this page in this article. The lower is about publishing the video, which is described in another article. Also, this is the “Quickstart”  we will not cover the “Advanced settings” here!

Delete video

In the top right corner, you’ll find the garbage can. Click on it to delete the video.


To the left of the garbage can is a button with a chart that will take you directly to the statistics for the video.

Information – title, description, and tags

Here you can change the information, meta-data, that is stored with the video. Title and description get editable when clicked on, just remember to hit save after changing.
To add tags to your videos, you could write whatever you like in the “Add Tag” box. The idea is to collect related videos under the same tag so suggestions will pop up as soon as you start writing (as soon as other videos in the system use tags). Use the ones in the drop-down menu if something fits the video, or just create a new tag. If you want to delete a tag from a video, just hit the trashcan by the tag name.

Preview video

The video could be previewed right here by clicking the play button in the video thumbnail!

Poster image and thumbnails

It is possible to select another poster image than the automatically created if needed. This could be a particular start frame, a logo page, or anything else. This is done by uploading an image and then selecting it in the drop-down menu. Read more about our new features and how you can create a screenshot and use that image as a poster image or thumbnail.
The easiest way of doing this is to choose “Go to upload image page” which is the last choice in the Poster image drop-down menu. This opens the image upload page:
Uploading a picture works the same way as it does when you want to upload a video. Choose an image file with the button under “File”, give it a title and some tags if needed (usually not required). Hit the “upload image” button. When it is ready, you will be shown the Image library view with the newly uploaded image. Switch back to the “Videos” tab, open the movie you are working on and choose the Title of the newly uploaded video in the drop-down list.

Additional tabs overview

These are the remaining tabs under library – just a quick overview.


This is where you’ll find all Playlists of videos that you could use in Archive Players.


This is where you’ll find all Video Players you can use to publish your videos and where you can create/customize your own players, both regular players, and our Archive player.


All uploaded audio is available under this tab if you use Streamio for audio clips, podcasts, or similar.


Here is where subtitles are uploaded and stored. This is not enabled by default but can be enabled under “Account settings” – “General”.


To access a specific section, click on the respective tabs on the upper left side (Videos, Images, Playlists, Players, Audio, Subtitles, Podcasts and Channels).


If you want more tips for how you could manage your content in Streamio, read the other support articles here!

If you need more help, you can always reach out to our excellent support team through our contact page.